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2000-04-07 - 23:20:50

Okie-doke. Im updating since anderson told me too. Well, im bored. i managed to piss Jon Lee of yesterday. I sent him to one of those pages where you have to click on the repeated alarms and he got all pissy at me. I had a good laugh at that.

Hmm... i dont know what else to talk about... oh yeah, i was telling erin about how melissa and shana didnt know about me and her. and she was like "really? they didnt know?" or something like that. thats actually funny that people didnt know. i thought it wouldnt take any longer than a week, two at the most for people to start to talk about it. but apparently it didnt get around too well.

well, i really dont have anything else to talk about. so im going. adios.

Joke of the Entry:

Top 15 Drill Sgt. Pick-up lines

15. "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most people do all day."

14. "What's a pathetic weak piece of @#$%*! like you doing in a !&%#@$ dump like this?"

13. "Drop trou and give me 20!"

12. "Care to accompany me on a quiet, romantic, moonlit beach for a 5-mile hike and a hundred push-ups"

11. "I'm admiring your strategic frontal mammary tissue mounds, two each."

10. "Remember 'An Officer and a Gentleman'? I'm neither, baby."

9. "The penalty for being out of uniform is a spanking."

8. "Wanna know why I'm called a 'drill' sergeant?"

7. "Drop and give me 69!"

6. "Baby, you put the 'fox' in 'foxhole'."

5. "You only have to give me one pushup, soldier, if it's your bra."

4. "Your perfume reminds me of napalm in the morning."

3. "Drop and give me 20 -- on my lap."

2. "Wanna help me get an 'honorable discharge'?"

And the Number 1 Drill Sergeant Pick-Up Line...

1. "Uncle Sam ain't the only one who wants you."

Previously on - Currentlier

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