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2000-06-07 - 02:18:50

i'm proud of myself. i didnt update yesterday. its like im a addict who made it a day w/o touching the shit.

hmm... yesterday.

oh yeah! we got free breakfast from Major yesterday! and it wasnt crappy kine either. it was those cini-mini's from buger king. that was some good shit. we also got orange juice! i like orange juice. but while we got that good stuff, period 3 only got crackers cause they are in the hole money wise for the risk game. i like this exercise. we also got out 200,000 troops on line. that means that we're more able to combat the terrorist threat of kilousky a.k.a. bob. it also means we're more ready to also combat the threat of the USSR and other aggressor countries. we are so ready to kick some ass. but knowing me, we're gonna get beaten up pretty badly. the only bad thing about the game is that when we have to "address the people of the world" i have to be on camera. so that means that my ugly face is what all the classes see and my stupid voice is what they hear. so, you know... i've already been filmed twice. once for when we declared Venezuela a terrorist country, declared bob a terrorist, and announced that we captured bob's #2 man; and the other time was after bob assassinated some american FBI agents and we retaliated by placing american comabt units next door to him. so we showed him. we're ready to kick his ass.

hmm... period 2, i took a test and watched a video. that was it.

period 3... i think i musta done something in that class. oh yeah, me, yusef, jevon, and steven were making fun of the KKK. we were talking about how they were gonna develop a equal opportunity KKK. "Oh? your black? well, just put some make-up around your eyes, we wont be able to tell w/ that hood on." and then, "hey! you didnt put any make-up on, go run w/ this rope around your neck, we'll lynch you that way. keep going till it gets tight, yeah... thats the idea, keep running."

period 4... finished up the book reports. i also made fun of southerners. you know how some of them have a family tree w/o any branches. i dont think cindy will get this one, so if she wants to understand, you'll just have to talk to me. Okay?

period 5... i think i just fucked around as usual.

period 6... finished watching babe. in spanish. i hate that movie now. im totally ruined for watching it in english. i hate that damn pig.

after school... we had drill team practice. renee was there. hes a guy for those of you who might think its a girl name. anyways... he was teaching us a sequence. it took us a long time to get it. then he was trying to teach us a beat thing. that was too hard for me to completly comprehend. thats so sad.


period 1- we are now at full mobilization and we have signed a treaty w/ South Africa, East Africa, and the Congo. they are now allied w/ NATO and the United States. we'll see what comes of this treaty. we also called up the Resreve's and federalized the National Guard. that means that we're gettin ready for war. we see though, we see.

oh, and major got us food again. today we had muffins and hot cocoa. i like cocoa. it was the good kine too, the swiss miss kine. not that crappy shit. it was good shit man.

period 2- i earned $.75 today for helping mr. chung clean out his room. cool no? i think so.

period 3- i went down to the rotc room again to contemplate our movements and find out what period 3 is doing. it turns out leo, whos allied w/ USSR (period 3) has declared war on the United States. hes calling for an ass whoopin (right cindy?).

lunch time- i accidentally p.o.'ed erin. i swear! i didnt mean it! but anyway... i was marking her w/ a pen cause i didnt realize she was studing for a test. i told y'all i was the naive_freak.

period 5- i pissed more people off today. he he he... then i left for the rotc room w/ reece. we kinda just kicked back there. more risk stuff. i also got $14.4 million dollars more. he he he.

afterschool- i went up to work on the rotc web page. i dont even remember what the address is. he he. what a dumb ass.

Rebuttal of the Entry:

To please Blair, i formal say that it was dane's fault that we didnt leave for the bowling alley sooner, not blair's fault. Happy blair?

Previously on - Currentlier

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