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2000-06-09 - 16:23:25

before you read this one, go read my previous entry. now!


i just read jenna's and kerin's diaries, and that gave me an idea. i shall write all you peoples a lovely good bye note. especially since i hate all of you so much.

Erin- Don't think of all those cute guys you saw/see at the beach too much, k? Think of me at least once or twice. oh, and have fun at your 5 month delayed birthday party! i'll get ya something nice.

Melissa- Say "hi" and "thanks" to your mom for giving me a ride. and if you read the last one, notice how i didnt put in any of your little slip-ups from yesterday.

Blair- Thanks for siging my gb all the time! i hope you get over your "him." good luck!

Darsie- I dont think you read this cause i dont think you know it exists.

Oki- dont go fuckin around too much. in other words, dont get arrested again.

Karne- dont get hurt if you go do your faggie flaggie thing. have fun at your girl's camp.

Kawada- get a life.

Gen- Don't get too happy that im away from you and cant bother you no more.

Anderson- get a life too.

Cindy- Who was the first president? Bush or Clinton? i know its hard to find out, what w/ 82 presidents, but, im sure your smart enough to find out.

and now for the generic part...

all you have a fun time w/ this 8 or 9 day break before summer school starts. dont do anything i would either. okie-doke? okie-doke. that includes, dont go to the beach w/o sun screen on. and be like whitney. put it on your feet too! take it from someone who knows. and also, dont forget behind your ears if you have short hair. i learned that one from a time before yesterday.

If i left anyone out, that means that i dont know that you have this address and that you dont write in my god damned gb. so that means that all of you can fuck off and die!

well, as you can tell by now, have nothing better to do w/ my life then sit infront of a computer screen. i hate life. if im lucky, i can try to update this from seattle, but only if im lucky. okay, i will see you all later. bye bye.

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