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2000-08-25 - 03:24:38

today... today is messed up.

i woke up almost too late to get a ride to school. then when i get there i couldnt find anyone. so i went down to the rotc room. i hung out around there till it was almost 745. then all of us rotc-ite's went up.

when i got there i met up w/ dane and the rest of the student gov officers. me and dane got our instructions and waited for the thing to begin. while we were waiting, we were bothering the other people there, nicole, leila, jenna, blair, and melissa. so yeah...

then the freshies came in. me and dane just kicked it while he rest of them did the work for us. then we had to go meet w/ our groups.

me and dane got our group and started to do the activities. we didnt really do them, we kinda half-assed them. there was a teacher or something going around w/ a camera, we did the thing while she was there, other wise we were joking around with them, half doing the stuff. it was stupid activites anyway.

after we ran outta time, we left for our posts. we were right outside of leungs class room. so we did our thing for a little bit, we let melissa and other people handle it for us basically. then we had recess.

after recess me and dane split up cause i had to go to the student gov meeting and dane just wanted to go to the band room. so we went our sepparate ways but we were able to keep in touch w/ these walkie-talkies he had. so it was all good.

im not sure where we went... i know we hit the cafeteria, ms. d's room, mr. inouye's room, and probably somewhere else. beats me... i cant remember.

hmm... i also played kyle chess and almost beat him till i got stupid and cornered myself. so yeah... i also remember leila spilling some ice cake on her self. and she was wearing a white shirt too so it kinda showed. so what she did was she got a name tag and covered the spot w/ that, then she got the other name tags and put them on her too so that she wouldnt look so stupid having one name tag in the middle of her chest, or a she put it "right on my boob." hmm... oh yeah, and dane and ross went to go get lunch for the other officers.

after that, we all kinda just kicked it for the rest of the day till the assembly which was at the end of the day. that was a waste of time.

after that me and dane bothered jenna till her ride came. she got angry at us and walked away so me and dane left a voice mail on her phone. she hates it when we do that. so its fun. then she offered us a ride home. that was funny. we were both cracking up at that.

completely off the subject.

its funny, im world wide considered an idiot. but guess what people are doing to me. they're asking me for help w/ the book reports. first it was leo and oki, then it was koga, and kelsey, and dane and someone else. cant remember who.. oh yeah! trevor. and i also helped melissa, and kim, and probably a few more people. blair too. and me and kyle were discussing the merits of bokononism. its fun. y'know, all i did was read the sparknotes and the first chapter of the books, but i feel like i know the books already due to all the talking im doing. its pretty cool. i feel smart now days. wont last for long... okay, well, im outta here. adios.

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