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2000-08-27 - 07:10:09

man, today i did a lot.

first off, i went to aikido in the morning as usuall. i had the sensei correct me while i was a demonstrator. as usuall. i also decided that its time i washed my gi again. i normally air it our for a week before i use it again, but i periodically wash it. so i decided, its time i washed it.

then, i went home and ate a lot of food i shouldn't. i ate like two eggs, some healthy choice cold cuts, and rice. i think the egg's were my last one for a while. then i crashed after watching pokemon and batman beyond.

i slept for maybe half an hour. but i continued to lie in bed in a futile attempt to sleep somemore. then i got up and read and watched tv.

around 215 matt fung called me and told me that the rifle team meeting was at 2 instead of 3. so, zoom, off i went to riflery. but when i got there, guess what. we weren't shooting cause coach had to go get his wife and daugter to go to a hula performance for his daughter. so we just went over a few things about the new season which is fucked up. first of all, the oia is going to have saturday matches. which will fuckin suck. all of our saturday matches are scheduled away matches. so that means we gotta go to kalani, kalaheo, kailua, radford i think, and if castle does have a range, we gotta go all the way out there too. that really bites. well, thats the only thing i think you guys'd understand. if i bitched about the rest it'd just go over your heads.

well, anyways... after riflery, i came home and ate musubi's with the little pieces of nori. y'know those small ones that come in the big plastic jars. those. i like those.

after that, kim called me and told me that they were meeting at kahala mall at 7 to go watch a movie, so i waited till the time came and then got a ride down from my parents.

when i got there, no one was there so i waited. and then jenna joined me. and then cindy. and then kim and gen. and then finally coryn and dan. well, we got our tickets to "bring it on" and while we were waiting, guess who we saw. nicole, leila, dominick, ryan yamamoto, and keith. so we chatted with them for a while and then we went in to go get our seats. when we went in the theater was already kinda filled in on the left side, and partially in the center. so i took a seat on the right side which was virtually empty. and then coryn and dan went around looking for a place to sit w/o anyone they knew to bother them. when coryn crossed my path coming back from the top of the theater she asked me "hey, ryan. are you gonna sit there all by yourself?"

"yeah... why?"

"oh... why dont you go sit by them? over there."

"because they're over there?"

"so? go over there..."

"but they're over there..."

"so what? go over there."

"yes mother."

and off i went. to sit in the second row of seats.

well, while i was waiting dominick, leila, nicole, ryan, and keith come walking in. and they need some place to sit. ryan, nicole and leila found an empty row on the left side of the theater and dom and keith came and sat behind me. they're fuckin funny. but i wont say why cause i might say something about the movie that i shouldnt.

well, after the movie was done we all went outside to discuss what we were going to do next. while we were discussing we decided to go by jamba juice. while we were there, jenna bought a coffee at starbucks, dan was playing snake on coryn's phone, and i was kinda bothering kerin, gen, and kim.

after jenna got her coffee, kerin, gen, kim, and i went to a sepparate table from dan and coryn. jenna stayed w/ dan and coryn to talk w/ dan, while we, or they played cards. i kinda just sat alone with them. oh, and before that, kim and gen went to go "stalk" a guy they thought was "cute." well, after this bull shitting went on for a while gen said her friend ryan was going to come. so we waited for him to join us too, then we decided we were going to kahala beach. and then coryn's parents volunteered to drive some of us there too. neato cool parents.

so we got there, kim's car loaded w/ kim, me, kerin, gen, and cindy; coryn's parents car loaded w/ dan, coryn, and jenna; and ryan's car loaded w/ ryan. so we got to this one look out point but it said tow away zone 10pm-3am or something like that. so we were there trying to decided weather or not to leave. coryn's parents volunteered to stay and watch the car which complicated things cause we didnt feel right leaving them there to do our job. so we took even longer trying to decided. we finally elected to stay and go down to the beach. but the thing is, when we did that, part way down the path that leads to the beach, it started to rain, no. not even rain, but more of a drizzle, so we went back up. or rather some of them went back up while the rest of us followed. then it stoped raining when we got to the top. but we still had to figure out if we were going back down cause some of them were lazy. so we finally got all of us down to the beach.

when we got to the beach, kerin and cindy using my flashlights caught a crab. then kerin lost it trying to take it from me after letting me see it. so kerin, cindy, and jenna went at it again until we found out that the cops came by and told us to move out. so we went back up to the car. it was then that coryn's parents took dan and coryn home. ryan elected to follow us.

so we went to kerin's house for her to go get some stuff. while waiting gen went to go talk to ryan and she found out that he was in a "bad mood." so she spent the rest of the night trying to snap him outta it. more on that, later. just as we were leaving kerin's house, jenna got an angry phone call from her mom or pop. and so when we got to her house for her to pick up her stuff, she got smoked or something. gen also spent this time trying further to get ryan outta his bad mood.

after this, we decided to go to zippy's for food. on the way there, cindy and gen hopped outta kim's car and got into ryan's. when we got to zippy's ryan looked really bummed out and gen had given up on her attempts to snap ryan outta it while kerin and jenna took up the slack.

so we ate and then we decided to leave after finishing our meals. (fact: one scoop of rice at zippy's is only $.52). well, after we paid our checks, ryan went to his car and gen tried to talk to him about his being in a bad mood and he slammed the door on her after she finished what she was saying. so she came back all worried about his feelings. so we spent a little while trying to figure it out. and then jenna said that she had a really sore stomach. so we were all a little worried about her. so we decided to drop me off at home, and then drop jenna off at home since she felt so much like shit. because of that, i had to sit in the back row w/ 3 other people. and it doesnt help that i have a big ass either. i was so smashed i had a hard time closing the door. the first try i slammed it on my own ass. and then i had to sit up to let the door close behind my ass and then sit down. stupid big ass of mine. so yeah, i got home and thats that. well that was my day. how was yours? you know what? dont answer that cause i dont really care. okay. bye.

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