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2000-10-20 - 05:19:30

its over. its finally over. its all fucking over. im so fucking happy. so happy i could shit. not that i would. just yet anyways... i dont feel like shitting for one thing.

and another would be that if i did have to shit, it would mean moving more than my fingers and eyes to type/read. so yeah...

but yes. im angry that the freshmen beat us in boys pep. that made me angry. and that we lost banner to the seniors. mr. choy aint gonna be peachy with that. oh well, at least we went down fighting for that one...

and the fact that people bought the fucking shirt and wore it made my day a little bit brighter. except when i saw the fucking pot on the shirts of three of the ass hole idiots. fucking morons. and ake... argh... he p.o.'ed me tonight too. and then there was the fucking football players who thought they owned the fucking place too. throwing OUR shit around. argh...

but i had my fun popping ballons w/ dane. and then after the pep rally... thats a whole 'nother story. gather round children while i tell you a fantiful (well, not really) tale of bewildering happenings.

after the pep rally, me and jenna went down to go wait out front, so we went to wait w/ kerin who was also there. and then kerin had to waste film, so she took a picture of jenna in the phone booth, me and kerin (she held out her and hand took the picture), and me and jenna. kerin took that one for us. and then after that we went to go sit on kims car till she came out from cleaning for key club. then, when kim came by, her and cindy and me and jenna and kerin were all sitting and talking till someone dared jenna to roll down the hill for $10. so, jenna being on a high of sorts went for it. so down she went a little bit. then she stopped cause some guys came by to drink. and it took them for ever to leave. and then she went back to it. and she stopped many a times cause she was sick and for cars too. and kerin joined her a little. kerin did cartwheels while jenna rolled and i spotted them for cars and stuff. then we carried jenna back to the car so she could rest a bit. and then i went back w/ jenna as her "coach" now. i held her water, pushed her on, and warned her of traffic. and just as we were getting ready to leave, a cop comes by. dum dum dummmmm. boy were we scared. well, i was more like, should i lie? but she caught us. me and jenna told the truth. she was rolling around. and she said her and her partner were laughing when the got the call in... i kinda lied. i said our pep rally ended about 1030... or at least for us cause we were cleaning. so yeah... but she let us go. so it was all good. and then jenna was really sick after that. and she wouldnt accept our money. so sad... and then yeah, we went home. so thats where i am right now. tired. im going to bed. g'nite. peaches.

oh yeah, i also feel compelled to add in this little tid bit which i find ammusing. i think jenna's friend feels threatend by me. cause he refuses to adress me by me given name when he talks to jenna. he always refers to me as "the bald guy." like she was saying that he gets kinda salty at me or something like that. we were talking about people and the conversation came to me saying "hey, jenna. i think your friend doesnt like me. i think he was giving me stink eye one day."

then she says, "were you with me?"


"cause he always says, 'oh, i saw you with the bald guy.' and i say, 'he has a name. his name is ryan.'"

and thats where i get the impression that he feels like im a bad person or something. so yeah. just thought i'd add that cause it find it ammusing. but i hope he doesnt feel compelled to beat me up or something if he does see me as a threat... which i promise i am not. i couldnt get a girl attracted to me if i were fucking a boy band ass hole. okay. done. peaches. again...

Previously on - Currentlier

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