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2001-01-30 - 03:16:14

i want to punch eric. punch him right in the face and break his already flat face. he's just really pissing me off. lets just put it this way, he's trying to make erin and me break up. he's trying to tell her all sorts of shit to make her "realize that i'm not right for her." but... she wont let me do shit to him. dammit. i really would enjoy beating his fucking face in right about now. i know i shouldn't let it get to me, but god dammit. i bet that'd bother you guys out there reading this. i doubt i would kick his fucking face in if i had the chance, but i really want to do something to fuck him over. which brings me to my next point.

today, after school, the senior leadership- minus brandi cause shes brain dead- had a meeting to bitch about shit. so, in the meeting, everyone was drawing up demands on what to request if we decided to strike. by strike, i mean, all the senior leadership will not do any work what so ever. so, most of them had to do with personal promotions in rank. me? nope. i dont care for a promotion. i just wanted shit to happen to eric. little dick sucker gets so much shit. my demands were to have his ass demoted to the rank he rightfully desereves. there was one more thing about eric, but i forget.

and the funny thing is, i'm the only one who dared put anything up against eric. thats mostly because everyone else knows that he's sgt. koki's little pipe cleanner. hes pretty much untouchable except by major kimura. but, i intend to bring it to their attention that i dislike and dispise him.

oh yeah, we passed the formal inspection by 1.1% we got a 97.1% and we needed 96% to get it. we were ridding the edge. that sucked. oh well. fuckit. i'm done.

i still want to tear eric's head off.

Previously on - Currentlier

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