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2001-05-06 - 12:28 a.m.

the following paragraph may not be suitable for younger audiences (and those of you who dont like discussion of the male genitals).

i think ikaika bruised and cut my dick today. he said something that slightly offended me today in the rotc room while we were waiting for koki to finish talking and so i hit him in the dick. and then he came after me and full on punched me in the dick. i couldn't stand up for a good few minutes. and then, as soon as i stood up i had to do 50 squat thrusts + 10 more for folling around while doing them. and well, right now, my dick is really sore. its got some red marks on it and its really sensitive. i'm pretty sure it got cut or something cause it's not like that normally. and i havent had sex or any sexually related act so i'm sure its not an std.

okay, thats done.

well, i was in the rotc room today for a marksmanship training thing. it was pretty good because i got to shoot and re-qualify for my marksmanship badge. i re-qualified to wear my expert badge so i'm fine. i shot a 249 out of 300. i can improve on it though. my prone was low. but i had an exceptional standing. 78 when i normally aim for a 70. and my kneeling wasn't too bad either. it was just a bit above what i aim as a minimum. an 83 when i aim for an 80.

i also saw the mummy returns today. it was good. it wasn't like the majority of sequels which suck. this one was good.

okay, i'm gonna go cause i'm outta shit to say.

Previously on - Currentlier

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