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2001-05-21 - 10:36 p.m.

i'm passing math. but thats not the best part of my day...

fuckin aiea beat fuckin kalaheo in the state girls basketball tournement! hell mother fucking yeah bi-atch! tough shit for brandy richardson who doesn't know how to do anything but play like los angeles. aiea beat them by 7 points too. it wasn't all that close! ha! me and erin were spazing while we were watching the game. it was so cool. kalaheo was playing like shit tonight too. ha! and i heard that kyllie nakamura bombed a frickin jodie nakashima three. thats like, from nba range. maybe a little bit farther infact. pretty cool huh?

oh, and i found out that blair's homosexual.

nah, jus' joking. blair's cool. i like blair. shes funny. she always makes me laugh.

i still cant believe that aiea beat kalaheo. this is the team that lost to them in the fucking OIA champs by more than 20 points. hahaha...

maybe basketball aint so bad after all?

oh, did you know i'm a lesbian?

man... my diary isn't really cool anymore. its kinda like... lost its aura of appealing shit to write about. it's rather stupid(er) now. oh well. i'm still writting here so it must serve a purpose of some sort. what it is is way beyond me.

who gives a fuck?

not i says ryan.

i wonder if i'm gonna pass my p.o.s. test?

Previously on - Currentlier

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