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2001-08-10 - 5:48 p.m.

guess where i am.

c'mon, guess.

i bet you wouldn't believe me if i told you.

especially you people that do know me.

it'd really blow your mind to know where i'm doing this update from.

and the reason why i'm where i am too.


i'm not in prison.

but that would've been a step up from where i was.

but where i am now is pretty close to prison.

or at least it will be soon enough.

so, have you formulated a guess yet?

do you have any conclussions drawn from the minor hints i've given you?

are you ready to find out?

i'm at home.

i got kicked out of BLC for today and tomorrow. and that actually suits me fine. infact, it worked as i had planned. well, not planned, but it worked out better than i had hoped. and me getting kicked out of BLC for now had actually been the best thing that happened to me today.

today was not a good day from the git-go. i woke up litterally on the wrong side of the bed. i didnt fall off the bed, but i woke up almost rolling into the wall. and then, i had to take a dump, but the reason why i woke up was because i forgot my keys at deyson's house last night, and he was coming to pick me up so i could also get my keys and lock my doors. so when i woke up deyson told me to give him 10 minutes and then be down stairs, so it took me like 8 minutes to get ready and i figured, 2 minutes aint enough time to shit so i might as well go down now and take a shit in the rotc room. once i left that door i was commited to that plan. the only problem was that deyson didnt come in the next 10 minutes, or 15 minutes, or 20 minutes. or 25 minutes. once 25 minutes came by, i said fuck this, i'm walking to school. so i was then forced to walk to school with my sleeping roll and an abnormally large bag due to my clothes for the sleep over. upon arrival at the rotc room, i proceeded to do my business which was very important to me. once i come out of the latrine, i find out that deyson and tiffany had just arrived at school. great. if i had waited another 10 minutes, i would've gotten a ride to school. after that, class starts and ake is there. thats a problem all in itself. ake pisses me off to no end. i would really take pleasure in pounding the shit out him. but apparently no one seems to agree with me that i should. nor am i allowed to verbally bash him. as much as i would like to, and do, no one supports me in it. it's only fucking ake, he knows when he's doing something wrong but no one believes me on that. i stand alone i realizing that ake is really smarter than he lets on and he knows when he's being stupid. i know he knows that he could be a lot better but refuses to because its so easy for him to get away with a lot more when people think he's fucked up. i know a lot of shit about this fuck because i've known him since elemntary, nobody in rotc has know him as long as i have. i know that he is just being a stupid fuck because he likes to. and that pisses me off. but yeah. i got yelled at for making an extremely sarcastic comment to him. and then i get into more trouble for leaving for drivers ed w/o telling anyone that i was leaving at that time. and, as usual driving sucks. lane chaning is really complicated with stupid bike riders. i cant see them when i check my blind spot cause they dont wear bright colors which are noticable. i say that bike riders should wear orange vests or some other sort of high-visibility item. and after that, i come back and we're in the midst of doing drill and pt evaluations, both of which i dont really care to do by this point because i'm still p.o. at ake and dont care to do much of anything. so for the next six hours i just mope around yelling at ake whenever he speaks or something like that. i'm just generally an unpleasent person during that time. at about 5 something, i was told i was being kicked out of the BLC course for the night and saturday. and that works for me because i didnt want to be there. so yeah, they removed me from the progam for two days. they said i can come back on monday should i chose, but i'm still debating whether or not to go. i dont want to. i'm not going to go on the last day anyhow because i go driving that day too, but i still have one full day and one partial day to chose to go to. i doubt i will. fuck the program man. i think they want me to quit to. but major kimura slipped when he said that he wants me to return. he's going to regret saying that to me. i think i will return and continue to be generally unpleasnt. but we'll let time see how that plays out.

i told you you wouldn't have expected that to be where i am and why.

Previously on - Currentlier

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