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2001-11-30 - 11:40 p.m.

okay, yeah... kyle scared the shit outta me tonight. i thought i was gonna die. i told crystal to tell my wife that she can have my memory card if i die. oh that and i told crystal that she was one of my favorite ex-wives. but man... i seriously thought kyle was gonna kill me because i thought i had broken his camera when in reality, all i did was waste a roll of film. easily replaced.

oh, that and the lady who was helping with the catering said i wasn't festive enough and that i deserved a big colorful slap to liven my appearance up. i laughed and she laughed so i guess she didn't mean it.

oh, and over all, the senior luau when well. really well. good job elyse, kristin, and micah even though i doubt any of y'all read it.

hmm... so yeah... that was my day. running and hidding from kyle was about the biggest part of it. mm-hmm...

there was something else i was gonna write about. something important tomorrow. something like military ball or something...

i dont know, it'll come to me later on.

Previously on - Currentlier

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