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2002-03-21 - 10:27 p.m.

i had a spring in my step today.

i talked to kurihara about my audit, and i told her that i didn't want to be in rotc at all. so she suggested i find a job after school. or i should say that "find" a job. by "find" a job i mean, get a job that works for like, 1 hour a week and use that as my job for the whole week to get out of school early. i was like "yes!" but, anyway...

i also got my audit approved basically and so i no longer have to go down to the room for class. all my classes are in A-bldg. without having to see any of them at all. life is good!

the only thing i'll miss is working with the special ed guys. those guys were all right.

and then in period 2, i didn't fall asleep!

and in period 4, williams didn't have a lesson, so me, dick, and justin played egyptian war again. oh mah gawd... the game went on for like 15 minutes! it was like... forever. just as some one was about to win, BOOM! out came a jack! we were making so much noise that williams told us to shut up like three times. once we finished the game we asked her if we could go to the band room and play so we could be loud. we went and made enough noise to let the whole band room that we were there. and the funny thing is, none of us are in band. so we were in there, complaining about the smell of feet, the disgusting feeling of the floor, and yelling "fuck!" everytime we missed a slap.

and then there was the whole rotc thing, but yeah... you already know that.

anyway, william's told us this funny story today: organized sports in schools started in new york. it was a way to get the kids who normally cut back into schools. one day, a teacher was walking past a basketball court and he saw some kids playing basketball and thought to himself, "gee, this would be a good way to get kids back into school." and when me, dick and justin thought about it, we came to the conclussion that yeah, it is a good practice. it's whats keeping our football team in school too.

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