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2000-04-10 - 00:12:42

I am really gettin fed up w/ my mother. sometimes i just hope she'll go away and learn some humility... no wait... i wish she'll go somewhere where she doesnt know everything, and people let her know that. freakin hell! i showed her up today, and she still thinks she knows everything.

tonite, i wasn't planing on doing my math hw just like always cause i gave up in math already. and so shes busy trying to make me do my math hw, and im busy fighting back at her to get her to understand that i dont give a flying fuck about math anymore cause its pointless. so we fight and i know she knows that my point is more than valid, its THE point. and yet she has to be right. its so freakin irking. i tell her constantly that i dont have any reason to do it. but i give in and go and try to do my hw. but i have a plan. i invite her to watch me fail at my attempts to do my hw. so she says okay, let me show you how to do it. so i follow her and she takes one look at it and realizes she cant do it either. so i win that round also. so she has to go call my dad to help me. i'll listen to him cause he listens to me. but my mother? nope. shes closed minded and tight assed. she doesnt even bother to listen to anything that anyone has to say if she knows she gonna be wrong. and that pisses me off. i really am starting to hate her. its ironic. people always talk about hating their fathers. i think my father is the better of the two. i really wish my mom would just freakin get with the program and find out she doesnt know everything. hell, she doesnt know anything from my point of view.

i went to piff's house to work on my spanish project with tara. we got about half of it done in about 3 1/2 hrs. so sad... then i went to go see the road to el dorado w/ them. we had the whole theater to ourselves. it was so cool. we could talk as loud as we wanted.

then i came home and had the fight. so that was my day. i havent gotten a clue what to write now. so here i go.

Joke of the Entry:

A new private was set on fire watch. But during his time, he was getting pretty tired, so he decided, "ah, what the fuck? no one's gonna bother me." so he closed his eys hoping to take a quick nap. but it went on for a while... until his platoon sgt. came in. as his sgt. saw the new private with his head bowed, he started to stomp towards the pvt. the private knowing that if he didnt have an excuse he was sure to get every shit detail known to man formulated a plan. as the sgt. made his way up to him, he waited till the sgt. got to within ear shot and he muttered: "A-a-amen."

Previously on - Currentlier

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