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2000-04-20 - 22:10:12

Today was kinda blah. in health, i did nuthin. in english, all i did was wonder where erin is (trevor too, so ha!) and correct essays... so boring. in math, i failied another test, but i did better than most people in the class. i answered at least 5 problems! at lunch, i went to the library and looked at cars w/ jon lee. in spanish, i had a presentation. i think i screwd up. but i dont mind. and then bickel asked the class one by one if we had pets. i told him i had a monkey named jimmy. that was the high light of the day.

did you know that kelsey has this lip gloss thing that smells really good. i found that out while digging through her bag in spanish.

i can almost throw a half-ninja. its a drill move. it involves catching the rifle w/o being able to see it, but its not as hard as a full ninja where you need to catch the rifle behind your body. reece can do that. i envy reece... i want to be more like reece. hes absolutly fear less. i wish i could be like him...

i kinda wanna go on my trip this weekend, or actually today, but i have to wake up at 3 something, kinda dont wanna do that. but i get to hike into haleakala. sounds like fun. i get to work in the great out doors. ahh... i love to hike... i wish i had a car so i could go hiking by myself. or w/ a friend(s). god... im so whipped no?

i come back on sunday afternoon. not like anyone wants to know either way... i know this entry is very dry. i cant wait to come back and fully realize how good a hot shower and a bed feels. it never fails. i love that feeling. its so great...

i wish i were still in band, i never make the right decisions. not that i have any regrets, i just think i would have been better. i now know what to do in my next life time. im trippin here.

Previously on - Currentlier

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