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2000-04-24 - 23:48:18

I am back from maui for more than a day. and i can say this. my feet are sore. but i will heal. i cant wait to go back there though. its just so beautiful! bet none of you ever expected me to say that word, eh? i dont know how else to describe it though.

the hike in was about 6 miles then we ate lunch, and then another 4 to the camp site. stayed there over nite. the next morning i hiked up the crater wall to see into kipahulu valley. its a nature preserve and its off limits to the public. its just awesome in there, from what i saw, the green is just so... i dont know how to say it. you have to see it. call me if you do that hike. i wanna go. then we cut blackberries of 4 hrs. that was okay. then there was dinner, it was a pot luck. we played jeopardy. I actually got a question right!

next morning we left camp at about 8. hiked to the edge of the park boundries. then they took our packs down in a truck. i made it about a mile or two 'fore i had to take off my boots and walk part of it in socks cause i have these nasty blisters on my small toes. then i walked the rest of it in slippers and socks. i made it there pretty damned fast tho. too good. bull shit.

when i came home, i showered and washed my hair and bandaged myself. then i went online like any addict. i need a life...

lets see... today was usuall. same-o same-o. nothing new... so broing. this entry sucks. this is so boring... i need a punch line. someone enter one in my gb. for that matter, enter multiple ones. go! now!

Previously on - Currentlier

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