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2000-05-23 - 02:16:49

I liked today.

in rotc all we did was type on the computer so that was easy, and we're gonna play risk soon too. In ROTC, Risk is the shits. we used to fight over who gets next game last year. but, Maj. Kimura plays w/ house rules. so I have to learn a new set of rules. its supposed to support our US Govt./History class. i think we have to declare war on an opponent before we attack them, and other rules that limit warfare. it should be interesting. besides, i like Risk when i dont have to play against reece. i swear, that boy has got a lucky hand w/ cards and dice a lot.

hmm... i didnt even go to chem today. i was outside talking to nainoa, mark kato, and yusef all class period. and suckin melissa, even though i waved at her from outside the room, she didnt even realize i wasnt in class the whole period. geez... make me feel loved i tell you.

in english, i was just fuckin around as usual. i never really pay attention in that class. i dunno how i get good grades in that class... damn... the oddities of life.

Lunch. this was an interesting part of the day. i sat at the BG table. I was there first to test all of crystals food for poison. I ended up teaching melissa how to play poker, and then playing hearts w/ crystal, melissa, and darsie. i actually won! i shot the moon i think its called. i got all the hearts so i won. i didnt even know i was doing it till they all got P.O.'ed at me. it was funny. and in the mean time, i was making fun of dane and yelling at renate to say i was ugly. damn renate wont say it. and i think i scared some of the people who dont really know me. thats always fun. but the funny thing is, like 12 min before lunch ended, i realized i needed to go get my spanish book, so i ran outta there not knowing how much more time was left. but the thing is, i forgot my plate there. so i let them take my plate to the trash i guess. sorry guys... NOT!!! told you i was evil erin. call me a liar... i showed her! muahahahahahaha.

in spanish, i did the usual crap. nothing! i like spanish, AC room. thats good. i like AC even if it fucks up the ozone layer.

after school, i got to drill. i suck even more now than i did a few weeks ago. i still like drill though. after that, i went to village market w/ brian hoole, tanner cho (tiana's brother), winlan, kim hoole (brian's younger sister), takatomo, and reece. we ended up playing trumps for $.50 a game. me and brian dominated. well, not really, but we ended up going from down $.50 to up $1.50. we kicked ass. even if i screwed up a few times. i still dont care cause we won.

well, that was my day. how was yours? you know what? i dont give a shit! so ha! muahahahahahahaha... im evil.

Quote of the Day:

"Sure I am this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us."

~Sir Winston Churchill

P.S. if erin, gives you money to give to me, dont accept it. shes trying to not let me pay for the band banquet and i think i should pay at least my bid. right? thank you for agreeing w/ me.

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