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2000-05-25 - 02:54:34


In period one, the following happened in no particular order- everyone told Jason Hirata to beat it. well, cept for me. major kimuar told me that music is weird, not in so many words, but you know... In ROTC, my class will be playing the part of the Senate. this is for our game of risk that is supposed to support our govt/history class.

In period three, the following happened in no particular order- me and nainoa actually went to class today. we didnt really do much, we kinda just slept and did nothing productive. you know, the norm. me and yusef and steven and jevon had our usual gay sex discussion where we mock eachother about being queer. its actually kinda funny if you like that kinda humor... which i doubt any of you people do. cause you all SUCK! but, im planning on going to Weso's on tuesday. thats when they gut the frogs.

In period four, the following happened in no particular order- we corrected the vocab. books which i hadnt oppenend today, so that was a flop. then we had a spelling test. i got 10 wrong. and then i told dane that i had 500 words to write, so he asked me if i had to 8 words wrong, everyone had a good laugh at that. i was able to fit all 500 words on half a page. its actually less, but its easier to say it that way.

At lunch, the following happened in no particular order- I didnt play hearts today, instead i went down to the rotc room. i think i made fun of people as i usually do down there.

In period six, the following happened in no particular order- we went to the polynesisan music assembly. me and tara listened to my new CD instead of pay attention. that sucked ass.

After school, i went to drill team practice and found out i could do this move i've been trying out for a little while. and i also got in-put on a new move to try out. so, who knows? maybe i've invented my own move. neato, eh? ah shadup for not giving a shit.

then me, taka, brian and kim hoole, and reece decided to go down to village. well, tanner put his stuff in brian's car, and he ended up smashing brian's pictures. so brian told him to move his shit, but tanner didnt so i put it on the floor of the car. and then tanner put the big horse in front of the exit to the track, so brian got out and put tanners books on the ground out of the car while reece and taka moved the horse. tanner got all pissy and ran after the car, so brian gassed it and tanner put the horse back in the path, i got outta the car to move the horse but tanner started for the car, so brian started to gas it, so i had to jump in a moving car. but tanner was still going to put his shit in the car. so brian gassed it again and then we got on the road, well, tanner was still chasing us. and me and brian were busting a gut by now. and he was still comming down us and we were half way down the road by now. we found tanner's slippers still in the car so i threw em out at him. he was all fuckin panties in a big ass bunch at us. but we were laughing like there was no tomorrow.

when we got to village no one was there so we went up to paula's to play a quick video game. then we went down to go see if they were there, and they were there minus tanner. we played this find the differences game and then we went to ala moana.

while at ala moana we went to jungle fun and i accidentally set off the coin drop machine's alarm. but i wasnt caught. so, its all good. then i let taka borrow two dollars to play this DJ mixer game. its cool, and hes good at it. its gotta turn table and buttons you have to press to the beat. neato. then we went to look around the upper deck cause brian's been in arizona for the last year so, he doesnt know what the hell is up there. we went to hot topics and he found out how much glow sticks cost. and i found him a sticker he really likes "I like your girl friend." but back to the glow sticks, he can get them for $.50 on base, but they cost $3 at hot topics. while there, we also heard this kick ass rave music. but we cant remember who its by. its "bass something" or "something bass" something like that.

next part: we left to drop of takatomo at home, so we were going down, and when we got to taka's appartment, reece had to get out to let taka out. well, reece was standing there, and then brian lurched the car forward and well. it happened. again. reece got his foot run over twice in two weeks by brian. but this time, it was all foot, not just heel, but toes. and he was yelling "AHHH!!! FUCKIN' BRIAN! YOUR ON MY FUCKIN' FOOT. GET OFF MY FUCKING FOOT!!! GET OFF MY FOOT!"

"Ah, bull shit. i didnt roll over your foot." and by now we were driving so brian and reece were arguing from the front and back seat while me and kim just laughed. it was funny. they got so intense and threating eachother w/ reprisal... go fig. funny shit. you have to meet brian.

and a note: i got my new burned CD today. i like it.

Extreme Exercise for the Entry:

Killer Ups

The Kill Up is an intense version of the sit up. Do not attempt this exercise if you are not already training abs. This exercise should only be done by those with experience in working their abs. The Kill Up works the entire abdominal area, however, is highly concentrated on the upper rectus abdominus.

How to do:

1. Lay on your back with your feet braced against or under

a stationary object. Do not lock your hands behind your


2. Begin a normal sit up movement.

3. When you reach your most intense contracted position

you must put all your attention into the abdominal area

tensing it as hard as possible for a count of 3.

4. Keeping your abs as tense as possible slowly return to

a prone position. It should take you at least 6 seconds to

reach the floor.

5. When you reach the floor, keep maximum tension on the abs and repeat the motion.

6. Continue repetitions to failure.

7. After failure, rest 90 seconds and do a set of conventional sit up to failure.

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