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2000-05-26 - 02:16:14


In period two, we had a brief discussion on what chicks are attracted to. Well, we were talking about fat and stuff right, for nutrition in health. and then she said something about guys being ripped and stuff etc. and so forth. well, she then said something like "but the personality really counts." and then i did the cough "bull shit" thing. well, mr. chung heard it and pointed in the direction of me and Daren. then he said "25 push-ups." and well, that was that. but i had my fun. i got to finally yell at her cause i dont like her. shes really stupid. i mean, like on the level of me or something. i hate stupid people.

period 4 was the usual. hell, i think me and jevon finished our work in like 10-15 minutes. so for the rest of the period all we did was listen to our CD players. especially since we're done w/ our poem stuff. we finished it last week or something so cause we thought it was due this week or something. stupid us, eh?

in math, i did the sleep thing. thats always good. i like sleep.

lunch was boring cause i went to the rotc room. oh yeah, i also almost got into a fight w/ tanner. hes a fuckin dumb ass. he keeps threating to kick my ass, so i challenged him in the hall way by A-1. he said something like, "you better enjoy that smile on your face okuno. cause im gonna knock it right off after school today."

so i put my plate on the side, dropped my bag, and said: "c'mon tanner, kick my ass already. you've been threatening to kick my ass all year, so do it already!"

he came back to me and said something like: "not now, after school *mumble mumble mumble*"

so i just stood there waiting for him to back off cause i sure as hell aint gonna back off. he eventually backed off. and then on my way out some guys said that they woulda jumped in on my side. tanner is a fuckin idiot. hes so fuckin up tite and he calls me up tite. i swear... one of these days hes gonna get whats comming to him just like i am. i hope im there to see him get his fucking ass kicked. cant wait till that day comes...

period 6, me and kelsey were talking instead of doing our stuff. then bickel let us out of class 10 minutes late. as usual.

after that we had a stupid awards ceremony. i had to command the damned color guard. i had to teach someone crash course on what to do. it went okay. we also had a change of command happen which was stupid. so now, dae won is in charge of the battalion.

and that was my day.

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