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2000-06-02 - 03:08:01

I'm evil.

in period 2 we just cruised as the norm.

in period 4 we had book reports. i think all i did all period was try to aviod going because im lazy. i hate being lazy, but im too lazy to change that so fuck it. told you im evil.

in period 5 i was playing w/ hand-cuffs. im not kinky if any of you think i am. and if you think like lehua does, im not going to use them on erin. i am not going to use them on erin. im not kinky.

lunch time. i like lunch time, i always make fun of someone or something then. in the lunch line, i was talking to yusef and leo. leo's always got good stories of the stupid things cindy does in class. like today she said "oh, i didnt know tiger woods was a basketball player!" and so, i was teasing her about that at lunch. then, i asked her who was in the west ward expansion. i asked if it was the native americans or the british. she told me to shut-up. i thought it was only cause i was teasing her, it turns out she didnt actually know and did something stupid like that. dear god, i need something stronger than milk at that time. so i asked her who was in the american civil war included, she had to think about it for a few seconds, then she said "america... right?" i knew we had a bonafide idiot on the table. then i asked her what century it was in, she said "18th century... no.... 19th century!" god damn... now shes just retarded... people... so stupid now days... must be something in the water at kawananakoa that eats away at common sense.

period 6 we watched babe in spanish. theres a problem, i've never seen the movie so i dont know what the characters names are and theres an identify the speaker part. so im screwed. not to mention i suck at spanish too so... ya know.

after school... it was boring at first till we left for village market. we got there at about 5 pm. we ate french fries and drank sprunch. but w/ our fries, we use katsup and tobasco sauce. i like tobasco. we ended up w/ left over of taka's special sauce which has katsup, tobasco, shoyu, and peper. well, we had to dispose of it someway right? so we drank it. it was mostly tobasco too. that blew my mind. i mean... i was all messed up, i was coughing and chewing ice and all this shit, so were deyson and taka. we were all sucking down the ice like a druggie and ice. this shit burned so baddly, i've never drunken anything like that before, i must say, its worth another try! i mean, it burned a hell of a lot. i dont know why i want to do it again, but... oh man... its fun!!!

oh, i also went to the state library today. i found a book that i've been looking for for months. im so happy i found it. i also got another robert heinlein novel. cant wait to start on that one. k well, i gotta go so im outta here. adios.

Quote of the Entry:

again, another one of cindy's sayings-

"I didn't know Tiger Woods played basketball..."

Previously on - Currentlier

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