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2000-06-01 - 03:25:34

hmm... today was cool.

in period one, we're setting up for the risk game. i love this. we get to play the role of NATO and United States. so that means that we're the good guys and period 3 is the bad guys of Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union. we also figured out how much money our "stocks" got us. i lost $250 dollars. i suck. but if i wait a few weeks i think my stocks will go up. its gettin mighty close to summer and a lot of my stocks are for summer months, like heinz, hertz, boeing always does good, sprint pcs is always a good deal, what else... Hawaiian Electric is a good buy for summer months too cause it electricty goes into high gear summer time. so, thats not all of em. anyways... i had to draft a letter to the "house of representatives" to grant $30,000,000 and the right to forward deploy 200,000 reservist in the game. the thing is, period 3 is the house and they are against us in the LET 2 battle. they just shot themselves in the foot.

period 3- i slept. that was fun.

period 4- we had book reports. i laugh at cindy cause i didnt have to go today, and i read my book, and i read two more in the three week alotment. i read 2010:Odyssey Two by Walter C. Clarke; Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein; and 2061: Odyssey Three by Walter C. Clarke. good books all of em.

lunch time! i played cards and bothered everyone at the BG table. i was gonna go join junior prom commitee buyt koga wouldnt go w/ me cause other people werent going. frick. i hate peer pressure.

hmm... period 6- we had a test. i passed w/ like a 67 or something. im happy. then we got an assignment where we have to draw our house to scale by tomorrow or today pending on when you read this. spanish peoples know what im talking about. stupid assignment.

then after school- i got mad at ake for smashing my paper for spanish hw. i yelled at him. that made me feel good. i yelled at him again for talking out of turn and playing w/ major kimura's shit when he wasnt supposed to. i like power trips. they make me feel good. and what else? i also made tiffany understand the practical exercise (risk game) better. fun fun fun. i cant wait till we play it w/ the house rules of major. gonna be neato cool. well, i go now. bye mother fuckers.

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