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2000-06-25 - 17:59:11

You can all thank Jenna for me keeping this up. If it weren't for her flatering my writing skills (or very possibly lack of), then i would not be writing here.

Hmm... well, whats happened in the last few days... well, lets see, lets start from the begining. I went to seattle and canada. In seattle, i went to my sisters gradutation, her grad party where i made an ass outta her in front of friends, friends of friends, and family, by calling her an alcholoic. that was fun. and then later on in the week we went to REI ( and i found my hat. we also went to boeing and the museum of flight. i like boeing. awesome stuff there. really neato-cool.

then we went to canada while my sister went to new york with her friends. i dont like canada. its got weird weather. its bright till 10 pm. thats disturbing. i hate it. but they have a really good japanese restauraunt there. with chinese and vietnamese waitressess...

then i came back home.

when i got home, i found out im single again. yessire bob. im single. erin broke up with me, so now im single.

hmm... then summer school started. and so, now im stuck in a class w/ gavin tanaka. i hate that boy. i swear his brain is fuckin numb as hell. i figure thats the effects of inbreeding from genereations and generations and generations. i dont think you get THAT stupid all by yourself. stupid inbreeders.

oh yeah, im also in a group w/ melissa, leo and darsie. leo and darsie are at eachothers necks, and leo and melissa dont really know eachother. so im the liason between sub-groups. to make it easier, me and leo have decided to do russia while the other two do eastern europe.

what else...

oh yeah, on friday, me, deyson, reece, rodney, and chu ho were playing frisbee, rodney and chu ho really suck. but chu ho really really sucks. im not saying im good

but he just really sucks.

and then, yesterday. i went to aikido. heh, one guy in our class got smoked sooo badly. he got yelled at for rolling too close to someone. so our sensei said that if anyone ever did that to us we could slap em up side the head. thats cool. and then i was told that i have to go to beginners class if i go to advanced class. that sucks. oh well, lifes a big shit sandwich and you gotta take bites here and there.

then i went to riflery. me shannon and erin didnt pay much attention to coach cause we already knew all the stuff. i was sitting on shannon's lap cause she stole my chair and i was poking her legs w/ toothpicks i stole from the desk drawer while me and erin played rummy. he he, that was funny cause everytime i'd poke her shannon's legs she'd wiggle and it'd look like i was on a boat in waves. i guess you had to be there cause none of you have any imagination what so ever cause you all suck penis.

after that me, jenna, kim, and cindy went to go look at the taste of honolulu. we couldnt find parking so we went to kerin's place so jenna could take a leak. then we went out again to do something. so we went to TCBY. and then we went back to kerin's house.

when we were there, i was playing w/ her flaggie shit, and the rest of them were playning w/ her piano. i then went on her computer and played hearts, i won! and then we played scrabble. i really baddly lost. im a loser. and we were watching little mermaid.

hmm... what else. then we went to go see a movie. we went to go chicken run. stupid lame ass movie. i almost fell asleep. then we snuck into shaft. I LOVE THAT MOVIE! I WANT TO MARRY IT! whos the black private dick who always gets his man? Shaft! Damn right... he he he... i love it.

after that we went to drop off cindy at her grandmas house. and then we went driving aroud more, and then we went to like like drive in. good food. i shot ice at jenna kerin and kim. now jenna is gonna block me on IM and kerin says shes gonna have a bruise. then we went to drop of kerin. then we went cruising. we stopped in front of emily miyazawa's we waved at her from the car while she looked out the window. i think she called us freaks. shes just salty cause she didnt have our "wave" sign. and then we went to go look for parking for the bon dance at Hongwanji school. everyone was leaving and taking down stuff by the time we got there. so we stood around trying to mingle. and then we left. and then we went home. that was fun. next week? oujia board at morgan's corner or a cemetry!

oh, and the best for last. 22 Americans of Asian decent were awarded the Medal of Honor. me so happy... its about god damned time. only 7 of them are still alive too. so it really is about god damned time if you ask me.

Previously on - Currentlier

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