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2000-07-02 - 04:16:37

today was a lot more interesting than usual.

I went to aikido for TWO hours today. man, i was so tired too. i hate trying to teach little kids cause they're so freakin small. i mean, these kids are like 6-8 years old. and they're like only 4' something too! its so hard to teach them cause they're so small... argh... i hate being a teacher to little kids cause it makes things so hard cause i have to litterally go down to their level. but its okay cause i can use the exercise.

then, i went to go get my new phone! it took about an hour just to begin to get it started. stupid thing took so long... damnit. hate it... grr... but, im still happy that i got me a phone. but it didnt activate right away... but more on that, later.

then i went to the student gov meeting an hour 45 late. it turns out i didnt miss anything though. i got there just as they were about to go to the beach from the beach park. and all the time i was there i was waiting for my phone to activate and send me my phone number... it still didnt happen. so, we were there, and i was wearing my hat, long pants, and an overshirt. and i wasnt one bit hot. at the beach, only melissa and blair went in the water, and then we decided to play dare w/ cards to determine whos unlucky. it was fun. some of the stuff we made us do:

Melissa- in order of embarrasment... do a hand stand. do a push up while wet in the dry sand. and the best one, my own idea, get wet and roll around in the sand till she looked like a sugar cookie. that was funny as hell.

Blair- She had to run around the life guard stand twice. She also had to run to the bathroom like she had to go really badly and then stop, grab her pants like she went in em, and then run to the water and shake a leg like she was shaking it out of her pants. that was funny.

Jasmine- i dont give a rip about her enough to think about what we made her do.

Kyle- Made him go underwater w/ his goggles and come up smiling while looking at someone.

Jenna- Made her run around some palm trees and then slide like she was playing baseball. and we also made her run after some guy. it was funny cause i think the guy knew she was running after him.

and Me- i had to go up to a guy on a cell phone and ask if i could use his. i used a fake accent trying to sound like i was a tourist. i also had to walk on this wall and make like i fell off of it when its pretty hard to fall off of it w/ greased feet. and after i fell off, i had to lie there like i was hurt, then get up, dust off, make like no one saw me, and then do it again. that was fun cause i fell like i would really fall to make it look real cause i actually rolled on the second fall. and then this little girl came up to me and started to throw stuff at me so i let her cause i figure, eh, she'll get whats coming to her sooner or later. evil no? and then jenna and blair couldnt understand that makiki isnt that far of a walk. it took me less than 45 minutes to walk from ala moana to makiki. saying its such a far walk...

well, i got home and i got ready to go out to a movie.

jenna's dad picked me up. it turns out he was ready to drop us off at restaurant row. till jenna yelled at him. then we got there, and then lauren and kim said "oh ryan, when you steped out of the van we thought, why is jenna wearing fatigues?" well, as the night went on, when im sitting in the theater waiting for the movie to start, my phone goes off. it turns out its my voice mail telling me my #. but i dont know how to figure it out. so i have to wait till the after the movie till i can try to figure it out. so, the movie went on, must say, i really liked it. yup, not that bad of a movie i'd say.

and then the movie ended, and we were standing outside trying to figure out what to do. then kelsey helped me get my phone working. thank god for that little girl. thank you so much kelsey! so now my phone works whoo-hoo! oh yeah, i neglected to say that coryn really hates me now. just thought i'd put that in for fun. and anyways. half the party went to go get dropped off w/ jenna, while the other half of us went with kim. that was fun. first we dropped off emily. after that, we dropped off john. then we dropped off mike, and then finally me. the whole time in between we were trying to figure out what to do to avoid having to go home. needless to say, it didnt turn out too well. but im goin out on monday night hopefully.

okay, and now im home. and im bored. and this sucks. okay, well, adios.

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