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2000-07-01 - 03:40:07

I hate to admit it, but gavin and his group did a good job on their project. but that doesnt mean i dis-like him any less. im just will to acknowledge that he did an okay job.

oh, i actually made a funny today. it was a sick funny, but a funny none the less. Sheri or Whitney (i dont remember) was saying something about the three original peoples of sub-saharan africa. and the first one was something... oh cool! i just remembered it was sheri cause whitney didnt get the joke and was standing there "i dont get it..." anyways... then the second one was "Ghana" and i said, "so, whats the thrid one? 'rreah'?" Only some people actually got the joke though. kinda made it junk. oh well. it was still funny to me. and half the class.

what else today? eh, nothing much more.

oh, i got into a fight with my mom today. i proved her stupid! made me feel good. i love to make adults feel stupid. makes me feel smart and right. oh well. thats that. my life has gotten boring. i should die to make it more interesting. nah... too much trouble. oh well, bye.

Quote of the Day:

"Sex can wait... MASTURBATE!"

SNL writers

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