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2000-07-12 - 02:33:12


very frickin warm.

stupid humidity.

oh well...

today's class was fun. i think i got the lowest score on a test in the class, but hey, who cares? not i.

then me and miss ching were talking about teaching and how she can leagally mess w/ our brains. i like her. shes funny. then we also did a little bit of book work. i finished it all in class. that pissed me off cause i dont have anything to do at home now. hmph.

we also cooked in class today. we cooked fried rice. that was good cause trang cooked for our group cause me and leo are incompetent. oh, i also did a good and unselfish deed. i gave up one bathroom pass to go get shannon and myself a soda. i could have just gone and gotten it for myself, but when i heard shannon say that she wanted a soda, but she couldnt get one cause the soda machine wasnt taking dollar bills, i offered to get it for her. i put my own butt at the risk of buying a soda during class time which we have been warned about to do something for a fellow classmate. i desreve a medal or something.

oh yeah, erin taught me and trang how to play "f-you." i like that game now. very fun if you ask me even if i won like 3 games outta like 20 something. oh well... its a born loser aspect of life i guess. and now that erin told me that emily miyazawa goes all out and does the whole swearing bit, i wanna play a game with her. i like girls who can swear. they're cool.

oh, and i am now officially going to Marine Corps Leadership School. im am fucking stoked! i cant wait! i am having doubts of if i can handle it, but i figure as long as deyson and tiffany r. are there, i cant quit in front of them. im gonna go, im gonna blow all the marines away w/ my marksmanship skills (wishful thinking), and i am going to graduate! (again, wishful thinking.)

oh, and i got julie to hug me. shes so nice. but it was kinda hard seeing as how shes a bit on the short side. but jennifer iwai. thats another story. she wouldnt hug me. i was so sad. i'll get her to hug me one day. (more wishful thinking.) oh well, thats a boring day from a boring person with a boring life. buenos nachos. (good nachos)


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