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2000-07-11 - 02:53:04

im hurt. julia didnt hug me today. its a short story, but i'll find some way to make it long.

today as i was walking home, i saw erin, kelsey, and julia. well, on saturday, i went to ala moana w/ erin, kerin, coryn, and brandon, like i said in a previous entry. well, when we first got to the mall, we saw genipher and kelsey, and i gave them both hugs. well, to keep with tradition, as i was walking down towards my house, i saw the three of them, and i start to walk towards them, and i turn towards julia to make her feel like what the hell. well, she just looked at me sideways and walked away from me. so i went towards kelsey and she hugged me, and i went to erin for one and she hugged me too. but nooo, julia just stands 15 feet away from me and gives me this look like im crazy. i was so hurt.

and then, later on tonight, i was talking to erin and she said that she shouldnt have hugged me today cause i didnt offer a hug to her on saturday. so now, i have to hug her every time i see her. and if i hug her, i have to hug who ever is with her. and thats going to be problematic since i think leila is taller than me. and nicole too i think... and alia is just gonna look at me like im crazy... and emily too. so, hmm... this should be fun!

what else happened to me today?

OH YEAH! I AM GOING TO MARINE CORPS LEADERSHIP SCHOOL!!! i am so fucking happy man! i wanted to go to this school once i heard all the horror stories about it from the koanui's and kim hoole. i cant wait! deyson and tiff r. are going too so i aint gonna be completely alone. plus maybe i'll meet some girls or something. tough chance they'll think anything other than "hes ugly." oh well, anythings worth a try once. cant wait! cost $95.60 though. kinda expensive. but oh well...

you know, nothing else important or fun or interesting happend to me today, so thats all you guys get. oh well, tuff nuggets for you. dammit. erin got me saying that as well. ferret. oh well, adios.

Previously on - Currentlier

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