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2000-07-14 - 02:44:02

jenna and kim and cindy all jumped ship on me today. we were all supposed to play risk today. i was so happy... and then jenna told me she couldnt. and then cindy and kim got picked up by kim's mom... so sad... i wanted to play risk.

well, it didnt matter. i walked home w/ dane, erin, nicole, tiana, leila, and someother dude. me and dane watched the fire fighters park the truck in the station house. thats always intersting. he told me to go watch them park the ladder trucks. i should take him up on that deal and go watch it. it must be interestintg with the guy in the rear cab steering it. then reece and rodney and leo came to my house and played dragon ball z. i just slept and watched tv.

what else... that was my day. how was yours? im dizzy right now...

oh yeah, i found other people who know how to play risk too. i think whitney and sherri know how. but they dont like it cause its too long of a game for them. i need to find more people to play with. even if i lose cause dice dont like me. i really wanna play risk dammit. i like risk.

oh i also found out that melissa didnt know me and the football players are ready and willing to kill eachother. i found that ammusing.

oh, it was miss ching's b-day today. we made her a spam musubi and i put a candle in it for her. talk about trying to kiss ass. she also said dane's best friend is his right hand. i guess it is that obvious. i guess those callouses are more than apparent.

i really hate this weather. its very fucking warm.

okay, i go now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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