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2000-07-15 - 04:45:50

i liked today.

in class we were making this swan thing. its very thereaputic. i find repetitve motions theraputic. like sharpening knives. i find that thereaputic, folding simple origami many times is theraputic too. in fact i like making that swan thing so much, i asked trang to pick me up a box of them. im queer...

oh, i also went to see x-men today. it wasnt great. the plot never really develops. its a lame movie. i'd see the movie, but only once. and since i've already seen it, i won't see it again.

and throughout today. i've eaten only one meal. thats it. one meal. something is really wrong with my diet. and i dont know how to fix it. okay, bye bye.

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