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2000-08-01 - 03:08:42

notice the guest book is gone. you know why? cause no one signs it. so guess what. fuck it.

i went to the pediatrician today. got my physical. he asked me about my grades, then he gave me a long ass lecture about how i shouldnt be a "child" versus and "adult." he had some valid points and ideals. i will give him that, but it still doesnt mean that the lecture wasnt boring.

i also went to the movies today. went to see the Klumps with kim, kerin, kelsey, jenna, crystal, brandon, and this other guy and his friend. i now have kelsey as a wife too. and crystal was demoted to below kelsey. now jenna is my #1 wife. kelsey is #2. and crystal is dead last.

after the movie when i was walking to the door of my house, this cat walks up to me. it was the sweetest damned thing too. i just walked right up to me and started to rub up against my leg. i couldnt turn away from it. it was too damned sweet. i then called my mom to bring down something for it to eat. so she came down, and brought milk and cereal, but it wasnt hungry so the two of us stayed down there petting it. it was so sweet. i like cats. i just stayed down there for a while, like 10 minutes just petting it and rubbing it. it was very theraputic. i think i should get a cat. my doctor said i might have hyper tension, so maybe this could be a way of therapy. i was all calm, and i was at peace with myself. it was just great. nothing coulda made me mad.

Thought of the Entry:

Eddie Murphy movies suck.

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