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2000-07-31 - 04:36:42

you know, i didnt do anything as of today.

oh sure, i did the normal, watched tv. listened to music. used the computer. shaved my head bald. used the toilet. ate food. drank orange juice. the norm. other than that, nothing big.

i guess i'll just talk more about marine corps leadership school. they gave us a green shirt. its not that bad looking. its got the marine corps JRTOC emblem on it and leadership school written on it too. thats about it about the shirt.

lets see... what else... hmm... its warm. yeah, its warm alright.

i went to bed at 2 am this morning. after a week of sleeping a few hours less than normal.

what else. oh yeah, i think erin's giving me the cold shoulder. i guess i'll take the hint.

oh, i met a few guys from McKinley. This girl named Erica Fujiwara and a guy named McHuy McCoy. that McCoy dude is okay, we're both in drill team so we'll be seein eachother as the year goes on at drill meets. I didnt really talk to Erica though. but she sure talked to deyson. nah, i dunno. she did make a comment about my ribbons and uniform though. just like everyone else did. it seems to blow away everyone that im going on three years, but im only an E-3. and everyone starts off at E-1. so take a guess, i've been promoted about twice the last two years, yet i have more ribbons than most people combined with two or three guys. and yet, so much less rank. like Erica comes up to me. "What?!? your only a PFC and you have all those ribbons?"

i just smiled at her.

"What LET level are you?"

"Gonna be third."

"And your only a PFC?"

"Yup." *grining*

"What happened?"

"Let's see... demotions... bad grades... fucking around too much... yeah, thats about it."

"Demotion?!? For what?"

"'Disobeying' a direct order."

"Oh..." then she walked away while i stood there smiling. before i forget, she was an E-8, thats only 5 ranks more than me. and she had like 7 ribbons. i laugh at those people who dont have a lot of ribbons but have so much rank. damn bastards.

i like to be shallow and laugh at people i dont know too well or at all.

i was lookin in my year book, and two people wrote the same thing. two people entirely different. nainoa and melissa. they both wrote the same thing to me. using different words, but the exact same message. and it wasnt a generic message either. it wasnt like have an nice summer or anything. it was a bit mor profound. but thats still not the main case. just the fact that the two of them wrote the same thing! weird...

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