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2000-08-01 - 04:52:10

okay. third and final entry of the day. thats cause the day is almost over anyway.

well, to get down to it. erin was giving me the cold shoulder, but its cause i deserved it. i had lied to her. i told her that i would start to listen to her, but i didnt. and to make it even worse. i didnt realize that i had done so. yeah, well, we talked about it. and i mean, i know what i did wrong, but she wont let me take acceptance for it. she blames it on herself. but yeah, so, its same-o same-o. we both want to take responsibility for something that is my fault. so... yeah... we're both trying to take responsibility. but i think we part as friends tonight. so all is better in okunoville.

Previously on - Currentlier

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