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2000-08-02 - 03:01:06

i hate my decision to go to BLC this year. its all the same crap. i learned all of it last year. i hate BLC.

i went to the student guvement meeting today. it was cool cause kyle and jasmine weren't there. so we were able to get work done. im not going to tell any of you what we're doing. you can all suffer, unless your part of the planning cel. then your privy to knowledge.

and while we were doing our planning, jenna, melissa, darsie, and blair were all eating. but i wasnt. cause i had no money and i wasnt too hungry. so they tried to force me to eat. and now, once again. i have no appetite. im sad. i want my appetite back. it was so much easier to eat when i had an appetite.

after that jenna took me to brians w/ her. we got there, and no one was there so i spent my one dollar on a game of slient scope 2. fun fun fun! i like silent scope games. and then, i borrowed two more dollars from kelsey when she came. and played the same game again. then i borrowed another dollar from john, but he sid its okay and that i dont need to pay him back, to play HipHop Mania. i like that game even if i suck at it and cant play it well. so now, im $29 in debt. or actually $28. cause i payed back kelsey one dollar i had in my wallet. then i fell asleep in brians on the benches in the pool table area. i woke up with a really sore knee. i mean, it was painful. i was just lying there and i woke up, and my knee... it was just soooo sore. i mean... dude, i could barely swing it to the side to massage it. painful as hell. but i got it to work. then brandon drove all of us to zippy's and me and john left before the food came. yeah, thats my day. fun fun fun eh?

Thought of the Entry:

I'm cold.

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