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2000-08-03 - 03:11:29

i had my P.T. test today for BLC. i think i did okay. all i had to do was put the class in a circle formation and conduct a few exercises. i made a few mistakes, but i think i did okay.

oh, before that, we were conducting platoon drill. i made a few mistakes there too. i was calling commands like a marine. i was using their terminology. stupid camp. i learned stuff that makes no sense to learn. oh well, you live, you learn. but sgt. koki said i did pretty good. oh well.

you know, i woke up this morning, i looked in the mirror, i had bags under my eyes. and i got a lot of sleep yesterday too! i slept at brians and in brandons van and i went to sleep at 10 and didnt wake up till 6:45 this morning. thats a lot of sleep for me. hmm, oh well. i was also cold. i wore sweats to school in fact. thats how cold i was.

oh yeah, and we were supposed to conference call tonite. we being the planning cell of the welcome back assembly. but blair didnt call. so i fell asleep by phone waiting for the call. but nope. no one called. da dastards. oh well...

its really warm right now. and im tired.

Previously on - Currentlier

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