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2000-08-06 - 03:43:40

today had one really interesting moment. but more on that later.

i went to aikido today, as usual. boring. as usual. but there was one high point. i accidentally head butted the instructor.

hmm... i also took a 2 hour nap. thats a long time.

what else... uhm... nothing happened till i went to dinner.

i went to jimbo. its a japanese restaurant. pretty good food too. well, i went there, and just as i was leaving, an old friend came up. it turns out tricia lee was there too! for those of you who dont know, back in the 9th grade we were really tite friends until she graduated. so we talked for a few minutes and then i had to leave. but that was interesting. it really is a small small world.

when i got home, i shaved my head again. i like my hair like this. its soo much easier to control. i like it. okay, well thats it for today. boring as hell. i know i know... okay, bye.

Tip of the Entry:

Don't try to be like a cat and lick your self clean.

Previously on - Currentlier

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