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2000-08-07 - 02:43:02

I forgot something in yesterdays entry that is very important. something that will shut all of y'all up about my anorexia.

my mom called the doctor yesterday. she asked him about my lack of appetite. he said that its all good as long as i dont feel extra tired and like i cant keep up w/ my daily stuff. and just to let y'all know, i can keep up with all the stuff. in fact i feel pretty damned good too! so ha! i do eat enough! and just because i weigh some where between 115 and 120 doesnt mean shit. and if any of y'all girls say, "but thats so close to my weight!" which i doubt any of y'all will, it doesnt mean anything. if y'think im light, reece is lighter. so dont be gettin piss mad at me, okay? okay.

since last night, when i shaved my head at about... oh say... 7 PM, i went to bed and woke up at oh, around 9 AM today. you wont believe what happened. there was considerable hair growth. hell, even my dad noticed it! he said that my hair got noticebly longer! would ya believe that?!? i sure as hell dont. so i figure, i guess im gonna shave every morning from now on. shave my head and my face might as well too, y'know?

hmmm... what else happened today? absolutely nothing. thats how fun my life is. i didnt do a damn thing with anyone the whole weekend. not from friday to sunday. not a damn thing. i need a car. but first i need a learners permit. then i need to learn to drive. then i need to pass the damned test. then i need to bargin w/ my parents for the car! ai ya! its almost not worth it... oh well, we'll see. i should get a job too. but there's not too many places i want to work. i should go apply for a job w/ the national guard. they offer temporary jobs to civilians for like 30 day contracts. and i think you get minimum wage too, but, its all good. oh well. i think i'll go for now. especially since i haven't a thing to really talk about.

Joke of the Entry:

surfahsgurli: i love my school

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