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2000-08-14 - 02:56:12

I am a member of G.A.Y. (gundam addicted youths).

in one day, i spent 9 hours watching gundam wing. and a total of 19 hours and 20 minutes watching gundam wing this week. this includes all 49 regular season episodes, and the 3 episode mini-series sequel/prequel endless waltz. thats 52 episodes, each 22 minutes long. thats 1144 minutes. 68640 seconds. thats a long time to watch one tv series. in one week!

i've just watched more japanese tv than all of my life combined.

i also changed my name today. from now on, if you havent gotten the email, call me shigeo. im serious too. call me shigeo from now on.

i also discovered the wonder of green tea, honey, and lemon juice. its absolutly awesome. i like it i like it.

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