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2000-08-16 - 04:33:29

Im sick. its pissing me off.

i went to registration today. got my schedule. was stupid and didnt get a locker. was stupid and bought a year book. fuckin year books. cost me 30 fuckin dollars. P.O.S.

heres my schedule just so people stop asking me what it is.

1- Alge 1 (Nagata)

2- JROTC (Kimura)

3- English III (Lusk)

4- Spanish II (Teramoto, not melissa's mother) or Peer Ed (Akamine)

5- Psychology/Sociology (Gillia)

6- Pysicis (Bachman)

i also went to Brian's tonite. i played pool. didnt really win much of anything, but i did make a few dog shit shots. i also got more sick from the smoke in there i think. i feel really nasty now.

we went to likelike drive in after that. we had to sit in the smoking section. more smoke for me. yippie. i ate two side orders of rice, a piece of bread, and a bowl of green peas. i also had a cup of hot tea with lemon. it was good. then we went to go pick up jenna's ouija board. after that we went to stop infront of coryn's house but we didnt do anything there. then we went to kerin's house.

at kerin's house they played w/ the ouija board for a few minutes. i just admired the view. i was being my introver self. i kinda prefer that part of me more. it keeps me from worrying what people think of me. if i dont stay around people, i dont have to care about what they think of me. what they perceive me as. it just makes things all the more easier. when i went into my introvertive stage, i went and sat down on a mini-stair-well. the good thing about that place is that it was dark, no one could see me, and i could see no one. it was the perfect thinking, reach deep into your soul, spot. no distractions. nothing. i like that spot. i wish i had someplace like that in my building. someplace i can go to escape the world. i need drugs.

Previously on - Currentlier

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