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2000-08-17 - 03:05:21

i watched 4 movies today. 4 movies!

first i watched "End of Days." pretty nifty movie if you ask me.

then i watched "the Substitute 3." not bad. not bad.

then later on today, i went to go return those movies and got two more.

"Rogue Force." REALLY GOOD MOVIE. it was one of the most realistic, if not the most realistic movie i've ever seen. It was about a group of rogue police officers with SWAT-esq training who go out and kill bad guys w/o legal red tape. so real. i like that movie as much as i like Navy SEAL's which is also a realistic moive. and coincidentally, both have really neat sniper scenes.

then i watched one of the worst movies i've ever seen. "Diplomatic Siege." junk movie. just plain old junk.

yeah, i basically spent my day vegitating. that sucks ass.

last night, before i went to sleep, i took NyQul. i hate that stuff, but i kinda need it. man, i had to drink 30 ml of that shit. frickin blew my mind. its like drinking a shot of some of the worst crap you'll ever take. thats the only way to describe it.

okay, well. thats what happened to me today. adios.

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