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2000-08-20 - 22:37:45

Hey y'all. guess where i am now. bet none of y'all will guess where.


lucky me... (pshaw)

so... hmm... we finished all the stuff we set out to do today. even w/o jasmine and MELISSA WHO COULD HAVE BEEN HERE!!! shes an ass. i hope she reads this and reads what i have to say...

dang bastard.

not showing up to our meeting...


frickin melissa...

everyone is mad at her. me, blair, darsie, jenna, and kyle. EVERYONE.

suckin ditcher.


wow... i just ranted and raved at her for how long?

right now we're talking to this chick that kyle met at cambridge. shes pretty cool. she was mocking kyle with us. and kyle got all angry. and so hes all piss off now.

blair's note : good for kyle...

yep, blairs right next to me. and darsie is sitting behind me, and jenna and kyle are behind this table to my left. so its all good.

dear lord... kyles reminiscing about something we wore when he was three years old. scary... *shudders*

well, thats all for now. i'll write more tonight. adios y'all.

Previously on - Currentlier

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