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2000-08-20 - 06:21:57

i went to aikido today.

man, i dont know whats wrong with classes now days. they're getting smaller and smaller. in size of classes and size of participants in the classes. most of the kids there are about half the size of me. and the classes are like 7-9 people. weird...

then i stayed home all day till like 700ish.

i went to go see the cell w/ kerin, jenna, coryn, dan, kim, and mike. dan is cool. he plays risk. and he was so kind as to introduce himself to a bald, ugly, kid such as myself. good choice coryn! better than oki. he's gonna beat me up now. oh well. you win some, you lose some. its all good cause at least i played the game.

well, about the cell. its.. its just plain old weird. thats the only way to describe it. my mom said that jenifer lopez said that she was having weird dreams while she was filming it and after or something like that. some how, im not amazed at that.

so, yeah. that was my day. how was yours?

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