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2000-08-22 - 03:14:34

i have no more homework for the rest of the summer!

which is about one more day for me.

stupid freshmen. gotta come to school all on their own. stupid freshmen oddysey. damn freshies. i know one of them. lauren won. shana's sister. she knows me too. so its all good. thats about all.

i went to fisher hawaii today to get a parker pen refill cause my other one went through the wash. i also got a new pencil, lead, and erasers. but i bought the wrong god damned type of erasers... stupid ryan. shoulda checked first. oh well. some days the bear eats you, some days the you eat the bear.

then my dad took me to borders. we bought the new tom clancy book. it should be pretty good. he also bought me a copy of Leathernecks. the magazine for marines. stupid marine corps leadership camp. brain washed me. now i wanna be a marine pretty badly. hell, even sgt. koki makes fun of me for that. hes talking about how my uniform looks all shitty since i came back from the camp and about my hair cut. but, its all good. marines are cool, they can beat up a lot of people, and they're all strong up here *taps temple*. they may not be intelligent as is the running joke: Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Expected. M.A.R.I.N.E. but they are all hard headed. they dont quit. man, if you've ever seen what their boot camp is like, its unreal. and if you talk to some of their DI's (Drill Instructors), the guys in the smokey the bear hats, they'll tell you how much fun they have. but, its all good. cause they got the reputation.

i want to be a marine.

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