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2000-08-29 - 03:20:30

Oh blair... why'd you go and have to get all personal. saying im gonna be like kyle... oh im hurt now *happy cry*

well, i'll tell you this! i dont even watch TRL! i dont like most of the music they play on mtv cause i dont like "booty" music or hard core shit. i like my techno and stuff. oh and rock is always fun. anything that can get you fucked up or really calm you down.

oh well, if blair wants to play such childish games where she feels compelled to challenge me to a game that is below my intellectual level, i shall let her win. i do not feel the need to sink to her level.

but lets see, today... well i am now officially in charge of the tech crew in rotc. argh... that means i have to go to staff meetings now! nooo... i hate those damn meetings. i also have to give briefings to people. thats not so bad cause briefings are easy for me. i can normally bull shit and stuff on things like that for a few minutes which is good enough for them, so es todos bien. "its all good."

oh yeah... then i went to math. i fell asleep in the front of the class. man... i hate alge 1. i got this stupid hw thats killin me! oh well... maybe if i had stayed up it wouldnt be so hard. live and learn. not bloodly likely though.

then in rotc. im also assigned to brief the 9th graders on "why you should join rotc." i'm like the worst one to do this. and then tiffany who says shes done this more than me when we've done it the same ammount as eachother assigns herself half a page to brief while giving the rest of us a whole page to brief. dick eh? now y'all know why i hate rotc sometimes. stupid people. oh well... gotta learn tollerance sometime.

yeah... period 3-4 are blank spots in my head...

per. 5 i had to go into peer ed to get my "interview" for approval to get into it. im in per. 4 peer ed now. i had to convince mrs. akamine to let me cause she said that it sounded like i didnt wanna be there and mrs. lee said bad things about me. go fig... i got a smile on my face cause i can just imagine her squirming in her chair thinking about me in that class. its funny.

per. 6 i think i just didnt do anything either.

then after school i went to danes house to watch the DCI competition. then we bull shitted around for a while and then we challenged eachother to jeopardy. i kicked his ass. he had $900 i had $2800 by final jeopardy. after final jeopardy i had $1900 he had $2. i win.

after that i came home and started to shine my shoes for tomorrow cause i have to wear it for briefings this and next week. so i shinned one shoe and then crashed. then i got woken up for dinner and i ate dinner and then i finished the second shoe. then i had to prep the rest of my uniform, shine brass, iron, pin on the crap. and then i started my math. and its real tough. im only mostly done and i still gotta do my psych. aw fuckin HS work...

Sad Part of the Entry:

the Swiss Army is deactiviating their Bike Division. Its an entire army division (big big unit) that gets around on bikes. think of them as infantry on bikes. They will be missed. *snicker... bike units*

Previously on - Currentlier

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