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2000-08-30 - 03:15:41

today started off crappy cruddy junkie p.o.s.

i went into rotc for a meeting have w/ my tech crew. it started off with one person not there, and another one helping the S-4. so i wait till about 2 minutes before the meeting is supposed to start. i go back into the supply room (S-4 domain) and i tell brian erenheim that he was 80 seconds to get to my meeting. and tiffany yells at me that he has his S-4 duties to do. and i tell her that brian also has a meeting with me to do. and she goes off about how the S-4 takes preference over the tech crew. all he was doing was putting boxes on top of wall lockers. i could've actually been utilizing the time to conduct a meeting with my team. fuck. this is what i have to compete with in rotc. people who think that their cruddy pointless jobs take preference over what i have to do which will lead to stuff done.

yeah, then i went to math and got 14 out 24 problems wrong on "quiz."

then in rotc, i briefed a class on "why you should sign up." im the last person who should be briefing that portion. im always making fun of and putting rotc down. fuck that course. but if i do say so myself. i think i did the best job outta everyone that briefed. cause for one, matt doesnt talk very well. and leo he just kinda goes over most peoples heads (litterally and verbally). and tiffany kinda said stuff that maybe shouldnt have been said to make the program look good. but oh well. im just concited.

then in english. i dont know what i did there.

spanish... me and steve ly made up a funny skit. i said "hola jaime. �C�mo te llama?" (Hi Jamie, what is your name?)

"Me llamo Jaime. �Y t�?" (my name is jamie, and yours?)

"Me llamo Juan Benito Juarez!" (My name is Juan Benito Juarez!)

and so forth and so on. im gettin too lazy to type the accentos and stuff so fuck the rest of the dialogue.

then at lunch me and leo spent the time observing people in the rotc room. it can be fun since most of the people in there do really odd things. and then we decided to do voice overs for people. kinda like what they do on whose line is it anyway. thats a really fun thing to do. i like it a lot.

okay, psyc. i actually did some work in that class today.

physics, we also did some work in that class too. oh well... not really, but let me have this one.

after school i talked to a whole bunch of people. ted, cindy, kim, kerin, etc. oh and leila said that i look like shannon chow. and she thought we were related when she first saw her. then kim drove me, gen, and cindy down to ala moana to drop off gen for work. after that we went to fisher hawaii to get stuff for english. i got a planner calender and a marble note book tablet.

then we went to office depot so kim could get a cheap planner. kim got her planner and then we went back to roosevelt for the riflery meeting.

when we got there coach was already there for an hour or so i heard. so we got our papers and stuff. then guess who showed up. julie. our short little friend is serious about joining riflery. neato torpedo.

then i came home and did nothing till 7 something when i shaved my head again.

then i did my home work. three 200 word short essays for psyc. im so proud of myself.

okay well... i dont got nothing more to write. so adios.

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