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2000-09-05 - 03:11:26

my web name thingy is "loopy rhinohiney"

i dont understand it, but i like it cause it has rhino in it. have i ever told you that the rhinoscerous is my favorite animal? well it is. and its cool cause its big and ugly and it hits things with its head. im almost like one, only im not big.

well, today i did a lot of yelling w/ my mother. we just cant seem to agree on anything. she thinks that when i say something, its wise or that i should give a better explanation. i dont agree with her. what could be more clear then, "dont worry about it" or "its my business, stay out of it." what could be more clear dammit? i just dont get it. i tell her to fuck off (sometimes like that, sometimes not) she doesnt fucking understand. i tell her this and she keeps butting in her fucking ugly nose. christ! i tell you some people are just so fucking stupid. i think my family must've been partially inbred or something somewhere along the lines. i mean, hawaii is the southern most state in the union...

well, i also finished all my homework. and i need to study for the freakin vocab test tomorrow. i also have to get my rifle. i should clean the barrel tonight for tomorrow. yeah, i think i'll do that later on tonight. im obbsessed with riflery. i guess this is what jenna means when she says that she doesnt understand how people can be so passionate about something. i dont even know how i can be so passionate about riflery. its a freakin OIA sport, whats there to be passionate about? its just shooting paper. whats so cool? oh well. thats an okuno for you.

what else.

oh yeah, i was talking to kim tonight, and she was talking to emily. and then i told her to tell emily "HI EMILY!!!"

and emily said something like: "oh yay! i get three exclamation marks."

then i said "well, here's 3 more '!!!'" but then i realizied, "hey, she didnt say anything about my all caps! im hurt."

and then she wouldnt even mutter a thank you about the all caps. so i decided to take back my 3 extra "!!" from emily. blah to her.

oh, and if you already havent checked my GB, you might as well. and make sure you look at the first three entries. you'll get a kick outta that. especially #3. melissa says something very funny. something like, "i cant be mad at you ryan?" and "your not fatter than me ryan!" uhm, melissa honey, the string doesnt lie. i mean, we had witnesses. c'mon now. blair was there, jenna was there, kyle was there, darise was there, jasmine was there, mrs. teruya was there. you know ryans right. just agree that ryan is fatter than you melissa. maybe i dont have as much body fat as you since YOU ARE A GIRL AND GIRLS HAVE MORE FAT THAN GUYS. but i deffinately are bigger around the waist than you. give it up! you know im right! ryan wins. again. and ryan is not going to let you continue to say that ryan is skinnier than melissa. nope. ryan will not. ryan will not stand for that. ryan has high morals and standards and will not allow that type of lying to continue to spread while his name is in it. ryan is the only person who can smear ryan's name. no one else will be allowed to unless they are given consent from ryan. is that understood? well melissa? is it? thats right. it is.

Ryan's Humor of the Entry:

this is an exerpt taken from GuestBook Entry #3 belonging to ryan okuno. it is written by Melissa Sato and contains extreme humor. Those who burst out laughing are warned that this maybe to humorous for you. Proceed with caution.

"hey hey! ok, wait...i'm supposed to be mad at you, yeah? that's hard! :( well, i got just one thing to tell you, ryan shigeo're one cool guy! nah- that wasn't it is: U R NOT FATTER THAN ME!!!"

P.P.S. guess what blair just asked me. she asked me if im in alge 3! ha! I only go around saying that i failed alge 1 last year. its only my faovrite excuse to go around with telling anyone who asks me a simple math problem. blair... you so funny...

Previously on - Currentlier

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