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2000-09-04 - 05:36:59

frickin oki. that ass woke me up today. called me at like 930. i was supposed to be sleeping that butt fink. but nooo he had to call me. so to spread the fucking joy, we went and called more people and woke them up.

first we called cindy. then we called jenna. then we called julie, and then we called kerin. and then we called kim. then we called cindy back. and then i had to go do something for my pop that required me to leave the house.

but why were we calling people? we were calling people cause last night we were having a discussion on what to do today er... yesterday. so me and oki decided to go to his house to play pool and BS. so yeah, we started to call people today cause that was like late last night. so yeah.

well, back to the story.

i went out to help my dad, while oki did the rest of the calling.

when i got home i called oki and he said that kim would go if another girl would go. so we got cindy and kerin to go. so yeah.

but they decided to do some HW before they left. so i went to oki's house at like 1 and played video games till they cindy and kim came. kerin came later. when cindy and kim came they went to playing mario party or something while i played total annihliation. after a little bit of that we went to go play pool. i hit the DS shots, but nothing else. DS meaning dog shit, not dane sasaki. well, anyway... after we got bored of that we went back up and played somemore games and then kerin came and she joined in. so we played some video games and then dinner came. while we were eating our pizza and bread sticks, i was explaining why doing things in slow motion makes things funnier most of the time. and if you think about it. almost everything in slow motion is funny.

after that we went up to oki's room where i listened to my techno music while everyone else told me to change it. screw them.

so yeah, we were listening to a whole bunch of CD's ranging from oki's music to my style. and then we decided to play poker. kerin won basically. she could've out bid anyone. its sad... she only won by being cautious. she didnt even try to lie or anything. no fun. only me and kim were trying to do the poker face thing.

oh well...

and then we went into playing truth. but i cant elaborate on that.

and then kim drove me and kerin home cause cindy had left earlier while we were playing poker.

while kim was driving us home, i think her average speed was about 70. she hit 80 at least once i think. probably more. that was fun.

oh, yeah, when i was at oki's house, i also cut myself while playing with his knife. fun.

P.S. I'm re-adding the GB at melissa's request since she wants to put in a hate message since i told everyone shes skinnier than me. so, feel free to add your own hate messages while your at it.

Previously on - Currentlier

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