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2000-09-07 - 04:48:30

Ryan is angry at miss lusk.

Ryan feels she has a supperiority complex.

But Ryan will comment on that in a few paragraphs.

Ryan started off the day with drill team practice. Ryan is happy that drill team practices have begun again. Ryan feels that drill team is a good way for ryan to releive stress and build muscles and muscle endurance. besides, it gives ryan something to brag about. during practice, we did a lot more spinning than ryan knew he was capable of. cody, our temporary coach made us do like 5 sets of 20 single spins on our first day. ryan was happy with that. ryan feels that by having cody push us beyond our limits, we will be able to weed out all non hackers. hell, we already did one. shriner quit on the team today. ryan feels that if shriner is allowed to return to the team, ryan will shit his pants in anger and wipe that shit all over who ever is responsible for letting him back on the team. ryan will be angry if that has to happen.

after practice ryan did not have enough time to change clothes so ryan went to his 1st period in his PT clothes. ryan was sweaty, ryan was tired, ryan felt good. ryan did his thing in alge 1, sleep, wake up, do the work, correct the work, go back to sleep. thats what ryan did in class.

when the bell rang, ryan was on his way down to the rotc room to change and grab his books for english when trevor stopped ryan in the hall way. trevor told ryan that mrs. lusk knew of how i was assiting people in the summer reading book reports. ryan also found out that ryan and trevor were in deep shit now. so ryan and trevor decided to bite the bullet and take it up the ass. ryan and trevor walk into lusk's class room and confront her. "uh... miss lusk. me and ryan are here to see you about the book report thing." said trevor.

and then begins about a minute of a breif explanation of what happened and why.

then she tells us to sit down.

now this is where ryan gets mad.

ryan is explaining to lusk about why he did this for trevor, and ryan finishes talking. lusk asks us who did what in this scheme, ryan says that ryan sent it to trevor so that trevor has a format to follow, and trevor turned in the paper because trevor grabbed the wrong one that morning. so lusk offers ryan partial credit for the assignement as long as ryan turns in a paper about what ryan learned due to this event. ryan agrees to it. then lusk starts to ask trevor about why he did that, trevor explains his points too. and then lusks starts to lecture us about how we made a bad decision. how i should've done this, how i shouldn't have done that. then she makes a comment that really got ryan's goat. she says ryan should maybe learn to pick his friends better. ryan got angry at this. it wasnt a physical angry, but it was an emotional angry. ryan wasnt even sure what he was going to do. was ryan going to keep his mouth shut and let trevor take the beating so ryan can get his grade? or was ryan going to stand up for what he thought was right and tell her how he felt we should be treated as human beings? ryan supprised himself when ryan stood up for trevor. ryan knew the shit had hit the fan when ryan did that, but ryan felt proud of himself when he did that. ryan felt that he would not take this shit from anyone who thinks they have the right to talk shit about a mans friends infront of them. ryan told lusk: "Miss. i dont like how you said i should learn to chose my friends better. i feel that trevor is a good buddy, and i was just helping a buddy out. and i dont appreciate how you think hes stupid."

ryan knew he had shown her her place at that comment. lusk tried to get out of the hole before ryan started to cover it, but ryan had already sealed that fucker closed. so lusk decided to try to offer ryan an ultimatim. "well, ryan. if thats how you feel, then maybe i should share the blame with the both of you? 50/50? is that what you want?"

"well, if thats what you think it ought to be since you think i cant choose my friends, then so be it."

"okay, i'll set up a parent teacher conference with the both of your parents then."


so now ryan and trevor are in pretty deep, but ryan feels like the freakin victor now. ryan stood up for a buddy, and ryan feels like more of a man then he ever was before.

well, it was still recess so ryan went down to the rotc room to grab his books for periods 3 and 4, which just happened to be english and peer ed. so ryan grabbed his books and went back on his way up to english. with freakin lusk. so ryan takes a seat in the back of the room in the "C" student row. ryan figures, "well, hell. if i probably aint gonna get credit for the freakin book reports, i might as well polp my ass down back here. its the best i can hope for anyway." so im sitting back there, angry as hell, and she asks me to move to the front row. screw her i tell myself. and then she asks me again later, "fuck this. i aint moving." i again think. but i utter "no" instead.

whitney looks back, "all right ryan, shes a bitch yeah?"

then she finishes w/ the roll call. "ryan, are you going to move up here or not?"

"no." i reply.

"okay, then your going to the counselors office."

"fine by me."

and so off i go to the counselors office.

when i get there, there's already a line to see Mr. Sasaki. so i take a seat in the hall way and in the next hour or so of waiting, i listen into jerin, peanut, kenny, gavin, and some other guys talk about weed; fucking Michele, Sasaki's aide; peanut's hair; gavin's pants; and about how they hate school. in the mean time, i also am able to get some english hw done, read some of a book, and a little nap.

boy, that was a fun hour. then i go into his room and listen to the crap he has to say cause hes a counselor, then we get into how i probably havent changed since last year. i think i have. im a little less willing to take crap from people now days. im just sick and tired of having to get all this shit from people whom i dont respect cause they dont respect me. it just aint right. im always willing to give people the benifit of the doubt and let them have my partial respect, at least as a human being. but i will not give them any respect what so ever if they think that they're better than me.

and then he finally sends me on my way to peer ed. so i get there late. i was lucky, they were just going over these forms she had. but i did also miss the stupid name game we have to do to introduce ourselves. i hate that stupid fucking game. so yeah. that was that. then i went to the student gov meeting. that went on okay. but i finally realized how much crap i really need to do. i need to get the rotc web page off the ground, i need to do shirts for home comming, i need to do so much god damned crap its unreal. i just cant explain it all. im gonna have a burn out one day. cant wait.

then i go to physics, i think i crashed again. yeah, i did.

then after school. i ended up going to subway w/ kelsey, cindy, kim, kerin, and julie. i ended up playing cards w/ kelsey, kerin, and julie though cause cindy and kim left. oh yeah, we also saw leila and nikki for a bit, and then later, tiana and her soccer buddy. so yeah, that was my day.

i hate lusk that fuckin bitch.

Tip of the Entry:

When applying Flex-All 440 to your chest for sore or tight muscles, be careful not to get any on your nipples.

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