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2000-09-09 - 03:24:10

Today started off w/ ryan thinking it was gonna be a good day. it wasnt.

ryan had a new trench coat and ryan was intent on wearing it for uniform day, but noooo...

ryan shouldnt get into that. it'll just make ryan angry.

then ryan did his first squad inspection. ryan later found out that he scared one girl in his squad. heh, ryans happy.

ryan hates being a squad leader. ryan feels that he shouldnt be responisble for people. ryan is barely responisble for himself according to lusk. that bitch. screw her man.

shouldnt talk about her either, itd just make me mad too.

what else happened today. i went back to the cafeteria today, it was fun. me and dane were talking and dane joked that melissa had a dick. so i told dane i was gonna tell melissa and he got all scared. and then i told melissa. but she didnt react. go fig eh?

oh, and in peer ed. people are all wondering about my sit. w/ lusk. so i just tell them the same thing. im dealing w/ it in a non-violent, non-confrontational manner.

ryan also freakin slept like a little bitch in physics. ryan was dead tired. from what? ryan doesnt know.

ryan also talked to boss (Mrs. akamine) after school, and she said that she feels like shes talking to a robot when she talks to me. go fig eh?

hmm... then when ryan was changing outta his uniform. ryan realized he forgot his shoes. argh. so ryan had to walk home in his low quaters. sucks ass man.

oh, and ryans big ass back pack also was useful today. ryan used it to its FULLEST capacity. so yeah.

then ryan went out to see "Nurse Betty." stupid stupid movie. has good stuff for pyschology, but its still stupid. yeah, that was ryans day in short cause ryan doesnt have all that much time left on the computer. so yeah, ryan says bye.

Previously on - Currentlier

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