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2000-09-26 - 02:12:52

i cant remember if today was a good day or a bad day.

im not thinking clearly right now.

i think it was a good day... but i cant remember for sure.

yeah, it probably was a good day. but we'll see about the rest of the week. mondays have been good to me except for the fact that it means i have to go thourgh a week of school. but oh well. cant win em all can you?

i know one thing for sure, im in debt $60 and i set myself back $10 for a CD player. i bargained w/ my friend brian for a new used CD player. hes selling me a CD player thats $130 w/o all the toys im getting with it. and im buying it for only $70. and its only one month old too. im so happy.

what else? oh yeah, go read jenna's diary. it explains something about what i was saying in a previous entry i think. she was talking about how when we think life is just getting peachy, it all blows up in your face. thats why i get scared when things happen that are good. noting good ever happens after something good happens. gee. that sounded stupid, but still...

i hate it when shit happens. it sucks penis.

friggin takatomo is so funny. today, we were asking him how he gets his "vegetables," and he said that his friend gives it to him. it turns out he gets free "vegetables." and we were all like "what the hell? you get free 'vegetables?' what the hell. i want to be offered free drugs. how much does he get?"

"this much." and he made a gesture with his hands of like a big box full. "he buys it at $325 dollars."

"what the hell? he gets $325 dollars worth of weed? how the hell does he afford it?"

"he drives a benz."

"a benz??? frick, that explains it."

"he live with his girl friend and her mother. her mother give him the benz. she drive a benz too."

man, we were all blown away after that. what the fuck? i want free drugs. i want a free car. i want a free house to live in where i get free money and shit. just gotta wait till moms outta the house before they can fuck, yah? oh well. not like i'll ever get it on w/ a chick. not that i really want to. i mean the thought of a little ryan running around scares me. but shannon said im gonna be a father. that kinda scared me. but i can also see that statistically, i probably will be one. so i made her my childs god mother. sure, i probably will end up whipped by my wife, im gonna have to set my foot down on this one.

speaking of shannon, today, in psych, she told me that at lunch, she took a pill for a sore back. but then, she said taht she popped the pill and it made her feel good. a bit too good. by the end of class she had to use me as a crutch to walk down the stairs. poor girl... shes all f-ed up. but oh well, she'll get over it, shes a judo-ka and a cheerleader and a riflery person. heh, just not as catchy is it?

i want free drugs.

Previously on - Currentlier

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