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2000-09-27 - 02:35:43

i swear, pablo and taka have to be two of the funniest guys i know.

today, after riflery, pablo is showing us how he mosh pits. he just goes wild in his showing. he goes all out. he actually goes through the friggin motions. and he exagerates them too, so its even funnier. you should watch him some day. and taka is over there talking about his run-ins with glow sticks and at raves w/ too many people, its hillarious these two.

taka told pablo that he plays bass, and pablo starts to get all worked up like a guy would over a friggin chick givin' it away for free. he jumps taka and starts to try to ass fuck him w/ clothes on! hes over there pumping taka's ass talking sweet to him "c'mon taka, sell your bass to me. sell your bass to me taka." mean while taka is trying to escape from under pablo and im just standing there laughing my ass off. at least i dont jump chicks when i want something like pablo does. god its so funny.

and when im walking home, pablo is still doing his mosh impressions for us, and taka is talking about when him and his friends get all f-ed up on drugs and shit. which reminds me, he invited me to go clubbing w/ him during winter vacation! i get to go raving dammit! and pablo told me to go to a concert with him so him, me and reece can all jump in the pit. i really wanna try the friggin pit more than the rave. i wanna get all fucked up by friggin 6-7' marines. marines are cool. i wish i could be a friggin marine.

blair is funny, in psych, we were watching where the red fern grows, and theres one scene where its storming and she goes, "oh, look. the cows are getting scared."

"uhm, blair. those are horses."

"huh? oh yeah, thats what i meant!"

blair blair blair... what will we do w/ you?

i hate being so friggin tired. i might get suspended for looking or acting stoned now. suspended for 92 days. thats a stupid law. i dont get it. i can get suspended for looking tired or having red eyes, or mumbling, etc. thats f-ed up. i dont get it... no one really does.

okay, i've run out of shit to talk about. i go now.

Quotes of the Entry:

"Quality of art does not depend on size of canvas."

~B.H. Liddel Hart

"We must find a way or make one."


"When I'm right no one remembers. When I'm wrong nobody forgets."

~Recieved from Melissa

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