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2000-10-06 - 04:43:20

man, life just gets weirder and weirder.

today, at riflery, i got my ass kicked in by kato in a standing shoot-off. i blame the fact that his rifle is more custom than mine due to the fact that hes got these barrel weights which make his rifle a bit more stable and the fact that i had to shoot at an angle so he could fit in next to me and shoot at the same backing. but deep down in my heart, i know that hes a better shooter than me. but im more of a shooter than him cause i love the sport. hes kinda just there to show off.

our big match against kalani is on saturday. im scared. we have to beat the crap outta them. i said all this already. fuck this shit.

i did a lot of work today. i did my physics and shinned my shoes and ironed my uniform. and i didnt call up my squad. fuck. gonna get in trouble. oh well, fuck it.

i dont want to go to adult aikido class tomorrow. its all so different that it scares me. they're all so big and stuff. and im so confused there...

i need someone whos just as lost as me to join me there. dammit julia, join me in that class.

frick, why'd i just tell julia to join me in that class? she doesnt even read this. i dont think so anyway? oh well, y'never know.

im hungry.

im just typing the random thoughts that come to my head as i go along. i think i'll go and sleep now. adios y'all.


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