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2000-10-05 - 03:50:27

frickin kato. little puce beat me today by two points.

i gotta get him on saturday in the match that really counts. gotta beat his ass down against kalani. damn school is shooting 1550, outta 2100. we're shooting like 1450. a full 1000 points down. we gotta beat the crap outta them. like just maul them. but theres on problem. we're shooting at their crap ass "range." its not even a "range." its the back of their friggin auto-body shop. stupid queers.

well, we beat ther carp outta moanalua today. like, we beat the pulp outta them, but it was all good. and kato shot a 238, i shot a 236 and julie's brother michael shot a 235 and michael horii's mother, brought us food. i think i like michael horii's mom now. she gave us free manapua. i like that stuff.

i also went to adults aikido today. man, it blew my mind. everything was all weird. all the people were like big and stuff. and i didnt know what was going on. i kinda just like, went w/ the flow. tried not to embarras myself but still found a way to. it was all scary.

and im also a white belt again. but im higher ranking than somee guys!

btu im still scared.

okay, i go now. bye bye.

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